May 24, 2013

[Movie] The Hangover Part III (boored!)

What was this even supposed to be? I mean, I know it's the third and last installment of The Hangover series, but it felt more like "Leslie Chow: The Movie", as the entire film seemed made just to make us of his character, and to still profit from the success of the original title… but I saw almost no comedy here, and I think that may even have been on purpose.

Plot-wise, the producers seem to have taken too seriously the idea of "not ripping off the same movie for a third time", as they went totally south with the direction of the film: Leslie Chow escapes from prison, the "wolfpack" gets involved in a gold robbery, Doug is kidnapped, people die, Alan gets married, and at the end, another event where they remember nothing of the previous night. It's as boring as this summary is.

Almost nothing good to say about this movie, other than "Oh, it's that funny Leslie Chow guy!", and maybe the inclusion of John Goodman… and probably that's just for the true fans of old comedy… which this film is clearly not. And probably we can love this series finally ended and there won't be a Part IV, luckily.

Pretty much everything to hate, again, like with Part II, but this time for different reasons? I don't know, it seems they tried to make this movie so different from the previous two, they went the other way around and ended up blowing the whole thing up. It was nice to see some connections to the first movie (with the return of "Black Doug"), but that was just about all that was nice about the entire thing.

The entire plot, I guess. Really, this movie pretty much had no reason to exist other than milking a dead cow and use the name of the series to make some bucks before the novelty entirely wore off… which I feel was the biggest mistake they made, and this had worn off already at the end of the first movie. But, they still made some money with this, so joke's on us, apparently.

A bad unfunny movie. They shouldn't have made Part II, even less this one. Just a dull, tepid and uninspired film, which served only to put an end to the "trilogy", if for anything else. Don't waste your time with it.

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